DevOps Running

Follow me on my journey from running beginner to my first Ultra-Trail.

Martin Schrodi

Senior DevOps Engineer

at an IoT Startup in Munich

About Me

I am a Senior DevOps Engineer at a small IoT Startup in Munich. My main tasks include Automation, CI/CD, Security and Compliance as well as development tasks in C++, Python and Node.JS.

In my spare time I am an avid boulderer, especially enjoying outdoor sessions. Fontainebleau is a must for at least one vacation per year. Being very passionate about running and hoping to inspire and motivate other people lead to coming to live and will hopefully be the source for some great adventures, new friendships and hopefully an inspiration to you. When I am not out doing sports I love gaming (Overwatch, GuildWars 2), listening to Music (Heavy Metal and Psytrance) and good food.


  • Running
  • Bouldering
  • Anything DevOps (Terraform, SaltStack, Kubernetes, …)
  • Coding in C++ / Python
  • Heavy Metal

Recent Posts

The First Month

Breaking a serious sweat… 😉 It’s already been a month since I started this blog and training 😄 Despite some difficulties …

DevOps Running - The start of a journey

So you might be asking… A DevOps Engineer? Working long hours at a desk job, every day and sometimes even at night, having to …

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